
Über den Kanton

Building the Future Together

An image video and multimedia image presentation elaborating on the new guiding principle "Building the Future Together" have been made. This overarching motto is destined to have lasting impact on the canton of Aargau as it features on communication products and anywhere else deemed opportune.

The cantonal government has puts its 2017-2026 development model under the "Building the Future Together" flag. As it states in the introduction: Aargau is so successful mainly because the focus is on people and their power to innovate. The people of Aargau value their freedom in shaping their own lives. They are taking the future – theirs and that of society at large – into their own hands. In addition to individual well-being, health, family and work, the population sees social cohesion as a matter of prime importance. Residents bolster the canton with their initiatives and innovative commitment, while Aargau acts as facilitator of that can-do human spirit. This line of thought has led the cantonal government to present its updated, long-term development model under the motto "Canton of Aargau – Building the Future Together".

Aargau – a multimedia experience

Take three minutes and discover the canton of Aargau, where people are building the future. Enjoy watching the image video!

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If you want to know more about the diversity and advantages that Aargau has to offer, take a look at our multimedia presentation (PDF, 76 Seiten, 8.6 MB) of the canton.

Four shakers and movers tell you how they are making the future in Aargau:

Our credo:

Aargau is so successful mainly because the focus is on innovation and people.

Our mission:

The canton of Aargau offers every individual the opportunity to do their bit toward shaping a personal and collective future.

Our values:

Aargau is the 'can do' canton. People here take the future into their own hands. By bringing their plans to fruition, they make an important contribution to Aargau as a whole. The people of Aargau make a difference with their active stance – by getting things done. The canton of Aargau stands out as a facilitator of that can-do human spirit.